didlifestyle.com product based life style company launch join now :-
New product based company launching name of company did life style 100% legal documents available in website payment by instant service joining package only 1500/- with best products. Product, t-sirt, sirt, kurties, suit, other items e.T.C.
Three type of income :-
First income :-
(1) Product shopping income :-
1) 1:1. Pair direct = 60 100 din
2) 3:3 pair direct = 180 100 din
3) 6:6 pair direct = 360 100 din
4) 9:9 pair direct = 540. 100 din
5) 10:10 pair direct = 600. 100 din
6) 50:50 pair direct = 3,000. 100 din
You can direct unlimited depth.
2nd income :-
(2) Binary system :-
Binary 5% per pair first pair 2:1 or 1:2 10% direct = 5%
Rewards :-
1. 10. Pair 1,000 .Cash
2. 25. Pair. 2,500 .Cash
3. 75. Pair. 7,500 cash
4. 200. Pair. 20,000 cash
5. 500. Pair. 50,000 cash
6. 200. . Pair. 2,000,00 cash
7. 10000. . Pair. 10,000,00 cash
8. 50000. Pair. 5,000,000 cash
7. 10000. . Pair. 10,000,00 cash
8. 50000. Pair. 5,000,000 cash
9. 200000. Pair. 2 crore cash
10. 1000000. Pair. 10 crore. Cast.
Call = 9871471571
Website = https://www.didlifestyle.com
10. 1000000. Pair. 10 crore. Cast.
Call = 9871471571
Website = https://www.didlifestyle.com
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